Thursday, April 23, 2015

COHO - Graves EP

The COHO - Graves EP was just released. We worked hard on it all winter. You can stream it here: Also, here are some pictures from the sessions:
Danny rockin' the kit in the dino room (what I call the drum booth at CMS).


Zack feelin' good about the holidays.

Brad working on some keyboard parts. I love the layers we came up with for this record. Brad has an incredible ear and music sensibility.

The twins (Brad and Shane). Love working with you guys!

Tommy workin' the ebow on my flat wound semi hollow.

Laura, Brad, and Zack doing the intro vocals to 'Orion'. Tube mic in omni? Yes please.

I take lots of bad photos. Here is one of a cool moment... COHO rockin' at their sold-out EP release party at Barboza. Love it!

London Bridge Studio

This past December I worked on a raw, live in studio record with the artist Lady Grace. Her band is amazing. Evan Flory-Barnes on bass and Jojo Mascorella on drums. Check out some photos from the session:
The LBS Neve!

The LBS Neve has a back panel that glows and reflects of the glass to the big room. Super vibey (if thats what you like). :-)

Jojo's kit (12" tom for a kick. Minimal mic setup, worked great for everyone playing in the same room.

d112 on the K (always works great, even when the fundamental is so much higher).

414s on the top and bottom of the snare made her big and fat in the mix. Dig it. (hitting tape on the ol' 2" studer was a win too).

47fet on the bass. fat. (also had a 421 on the neck, which gave it a cool, grimey kind of a old school sound... (but had the 47fet for the big bottom).

The kit.

Evan's bass.

The crew. Evan, Dave West, Jojo, Lady Grace, Me, Emily's brother.